Monday, January 25, 2010

KDE Big Font Size problem

Hi friends,

Last few days..i faced problem in KDE font size that comes in menu of system settings.
i can't view any of the setting.
at last, i find the solution and getting relax and good feel.
just follow some steps:
step1: Go to System Setting
step2: select Look & feel->Appearance
step3: select fonts category
step4: set force fonts DPI = 96 DPI

then, Restart the system i got the desired output.

Above issue you can solve via cli:

step 1: go to /home/{User}/.kde/share/config/
step 2: vi kcmfonts
step 3: set forceFontDPI=96
step 4: reboot the system

i hope, above points will help you, if you are in the same boat. :)

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